
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Personal Challenge: Progress Photos

Do you like to post progress photos of your fiber work? I've always been fairly nervous about it. Perfectionism can be a helpful trait at times, but it is also a trait that hides who you really are from others. If you don't show others your struggles others may have a hard time understanding you. You have probably noticed that I don't really post progress pictures very often. It's always BOOM project BOOM pattern... but that's not how those things come to be. Those things take weeks and weeks of work, and some of it isn't glamorous. However, for some reason I find myself hesitant to share any project that's incomplete, a pattern that's in development, or a picture that is less than perfect. It's just like Facebook: An artificial representation of oneself in front of an audience.

Today, I am turning over a new leaf. I have decided to share more progress photos with you. Many other bloggers share their progress and it is a fun experience for them and their readers, so I hope that this will turn out that way as well. I also hope to continue to accept the parts of myself that aren't perfect, and to be authentic in all areas of my life :)

Let's start small. Here is a cabled knit scarf I am working on. It is my fifth knitting project.

The yarn I'm using came from a friend and had lost its label, so it is a mystery! The pattern I'm following can be found on Ravelry, the Beginner's Super Extremely Simple Cabled Scarf. I am taking way longer to complete it than I should be and need to work harder/spend more time with it :)

What's in progress on your hooks and needles?


  1. I love progress photos :) For me, part of what I enjoy is watching patterns and colours emerge. Some of this is down to the fact that I find it very difficult to visualise what a pattern will look like in the yarn I've chosen. This means every project is an adventure and sometimes the results are unexpected, but usually in a good way :) I also love the contrast between pre-blocking and post-blocking photos; the transformation can be astonishing! Pre-internet, I gave up on so many projects because mine didn't look like the pattern photo :(

    1. You have such a positive attitude! I hope to adopt a similar view. Yes, the internet is such a wonderful means of connection in so many ways.


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